Thursday, February 7, 2008

Another Day

Well, another day, come and almost gone!

Had a Dr appt today with a gastroenterologist, to try and figure out why I keep getting this knot in my throat. He did feel that the lymph nodes on that side were slightly swollen, but thought that the problem was more in the area for an ENT. But, just to be safe since I have had this problem before, and I have pretty bad heartburn, he is going to do an endoscopy next week! Oh yippee! And then I guess we'll go from there to an ENT if he gets no answers.

Also get to do a sleep study the week after to see if I possibly have sleep apnea. I've been told my MANY that I snore horrendously, and I very seldom wake up feeling rested, so Doc thinks it is worth a shot.

Had fun watching my boy practice last night. He's doing great, considering that he hasn't practiced since b-ball was over at the beginning of summer. Also caught up on some Desperate Housewives. I'm still not through with Season 3, but there's still time. Got smart and took my DVD player last night, that has the ipod dock in it. Makes it much easier to see on a 7" screen instead of the ipod.

Tonight, Survivor is back with a new season, and YEA!! LOST is on tonight too! Don't like that they moved Lost to Thursday nights, but it works out ok since the strike. Normally I watch CSI and ER, but they either aren't on, or are repeats, so there are no interuptions for Lost!

The whole work situation is getting rough. I work for my husband's company, which means that while my husband and his dad are building houses, his mother and I work in the office. Well, because no one wants to spend money right now to build houses, I'm pretty much out of a job. MIL tells me today that there will probably be enough money for payroll next week, but after that barring some miracle, there will be no more paychecks! YIKES!!! There is still work to keep DH and FIL busy with the big house they are working on, just means that we will have no money coming in. MIL suggested that I file unemployment, because then there will at least be a little money. I don't make very much money per week as it is, but I guess something is better than nothing. The only good side of it all, is that I don't really have to go to work, unless something just pops up and I am needed. I am only 5 minutes away from the office anyway, so if for any reason she needs help with something, or DH needs something while she is at a DR's appt, then it's not a big deal. Gives me loads of time to get my horribly messy house uncluttered and get my son's room cleaned out so that we can paint it and put in the new shelves. One of his Christmas gifts was getting his room redecorated, and fortunately for me, he is a fairly patient boy!

Well, I'm gonna go cook some vittles and get ready for prime time TV enjoyment!

Later taters!

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